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Organ Donors through Fishing?

Hello everyone, and welcome to this month's blog post! I hope you all had a great Thanksgiving and an equally great Thanksgiving break. In addition to the ever-present homework, I had a sleepover with my friends, and my mom cooked an amazing turkey for Thanksgiving dinner. It was a nice respite from the stress of school.


Minnesota Hunting, Fishing, and Organ Donor license!

Minnesota is the first state to promote organ donation through fishing and hunting licenses!

The DNR partnered with LifeSource, an organ and tissue donation organization in Minneapolis, to make the option available to anyone registering for fishing or hunting online.

“In a state like Minnesota, my gosh, what could be more fitting to be linking something to fishing and hunting?” LifeSource CEO Susan Gunderson said.

“Historically, men, in particular older men, have signed up to be donors in lower rates than others,” Gunderson said. “And we saw this as a great connect. There are a lot of men who like to hunt and like to fish in Minnesota.”

For years, becoming an organ donor has been a question on Minnesota driver’s license renewals. Sixty-two percent of Minnesotans have said yes, which is over 1 million people. But license renewals only come every four years, but hunting and fishing licenses are typically renewed annually.

“Minnesota’s long been a leader in the number of people who say yes to donation,” Gunderson said. “I think it’s representative of who we are as a people. If given the chance to help someone else, we’re going to want to do that.”

Since the program launched March 1, almost 5,000 people have opted in to being an organ donor, according to LifeSource!

Read the full article here!

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That's all for this month! Thanks for reading, and I'll see you next time.

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Amogh Gowda

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